
The Stratford Area Watershed Improvement Group (SAWIG) has been incorporated since 2009. 

15 years have passed since we began this fantastic journey, and we have been fortunate to build strong partnerships with multiple stakeholders within the watersheds we care for.

Community involvement and partnerships are fundamental to implementing a successful watershed management strategy.

A few of our partners are listed below:


The Town of Stratford is our closest and most invaluable partner. Since SAWIG's formation in 2008, the town has been tremendously supportive, offering office space and all of the services associated with an office; additionally, the group is privy to staff and vehicles when necessary (i.e. moving trees and large equipment). In turn, SAWIG’s watershed coordinator has worked comprehensively with the town on its water conservation initiatives, sustainability file, and municipal tree planting programs. 

Recently, the Town of Stratford created a full-time position of an Environmental Sustainability Coordinator. SAWIG works very closely with the coordinator to accomplish many projects.

This intertwined partnership has yielded wonderful results within the town and watershed area, and we look forward to its continuation and growth.


The Prince Edward Island Watershed Alliance (PEIWA) is non-profit cooperative association of watershed management groups on Prince Edward Island. It is the ‘hub’ of watershed groups on PEI, with the overall goal to improve and protect the environmental quality of Prince Edward Island watersheds, for the benefit of all Island residents. 

“The Alliance shall empower Island watershed groups to achieve their goals by promoting cooperation, by serving their needs and by providing a strong, united voice in addressing Island-wide watershed issues”. 


The PEI Invasive Species Council (PEIISC) is a non-profit group of individuals and organizations focused on the creation of a framework for the management of invasive species that threaten Prince Edward Island’s environmental, economic and social health. SAWIG holds a seat on the council and is excited to see the growth and progress the council has made over the last few years.


There would be no watershed group, period, if there were no interested residents within the watersheds we serve. Residents not only make up the board of directors and members, but serve as important and vital partners. 

We would like to acknowledge the hours that volunteers put into the group via events and activities, program and initiatives. Thank you to all who support our group and act as partners within our communities.